May news with IguanaBee

“Chile is no longer an exporter of only wine, fruits or copper”. This was the first thing that journalist Monserrat Álvarez clarified when presenting the news piece Canal 13 did about national video games. Another news giant, the newspaper El Mercurio, agreed with this opinion in a note declaring the new-found importance of videogames in the international market. Daniel Winkler, IguanaBee’s CEO and vicepresident for the Chilean Association of Video Game Developers, gave his opinion in front of the cameras about the Chilean progress in this area, with sales expecting to reach 15 million dollars during the present year. On the other hand, the national newspaper expressed in its “Economy and Business” section the advances that Chilean companies are doing in this industry, announcing the visit realized by 5 companies this past March to the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, California. IguanaBee was among these companies, of course.

Our game Whacky Escape! featured in national TV.

In the following three articles you will find these and other informations:

IguanaBee is now part of Start-Up Chile!

More than 574 projects from 53 countries applied to become part of the next acceleration cycle from Start-Up Chile, but only 100 companies will join the project in february and march 2012. These companies will receive US$40,000 of equity-free capital.

As informed by the event’s web, Chile will have the most projects this generation of Start-Ups behind the United States. And among the Chilean companies there’s Iguanabee with its project: IguanaBee in China.

Click the image to visit Start-Up Chile’s website.

The news has appeared around the world and has been published in sites such as:

Daniel Winkler, RASU and Start-Up Chile in Chinese media

Our CEO Daniel Winkler, along with other Chilean entrepreneurs, visited China recently to get a hold of what business is like in the Asian giant. They also gave a conference at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou to talk about being an entrepreneur in Chile, doing global business and the Start-Up Chile program, all around the Reset and Start Up banner of conferences. Part of the results of this journey is our new localization services for games for the Chinese market and winner of Start-Up Chile, IguanaBee in China.

English poster for the conference at Zhejiang University.

This earned them appearances in the Chinese media (in chinese):

Second poster for the conference.